Régulation thermique bus

Dispositifs de régulation thermique intelligents, connectés via un bus, afin d'échanger des informations via des messages codés.

Le bus modulaire permet de gérer aussi bien de simples groupes de mélange en chauffage et en climatisation, que des installations résidentielles ou tertiaires plus complexes avec des systèmes de traitement de l'air pour déshumidification, intégration de froid, renouvellement et ventilation contrôlée.

La flexibilité de bus permet de définir plusieurs profils d'accès et d'exploiter les plus récentes technologies en matière de domotique.

Régulation thermique bus
Schema tipico di termoregolazione Klimabus

Schema tipico di termoregolazione Klimabus

KPM30 Klimabus: the benefits of a smart system

The KPM30 control module and its KPM35 expansion represent the core of Giacomini’s thermoregulation system. Here are their distinctive characteristics in a nutshell:

regolazione KPM30

Here are their distinctive characteristics in a nutshell:

The modular system enables to size the installation at best and easily extend it according to the client’s actual needs.

The system can be configured for a variety of control methods (fixed-point or climate compensation), thus efficiently meeting the requirements of different types of buildings. The applications are easy to set up through guided menus for simplified installation and start up.

The wide range of available data and the possibility to interface the bus system on site or remotely offer new opportunities to enhance its operation and maintenance as well as the management of events and alarms.

Every device can communicate on the bus making it possible to set up centralized functions. Plus, the end user, service operator or owner can display more information. Possible connectivity with the main control protocols available on the market. KLIMAbus is compatible with domotic communication standards, such as Modbus and KNX, and with building automation systems such as BacNet.

The “smarter” devices improve the level of comfort while controlling individually each room to achieve the highest degree of energy saving.